Thursday, January 21, 2016

155 video playlist on Antarctica & flat earth

There are a lot of results simply in a Youtube search on "antarctica" + "circumnavigation". [+] There are some new researchers who are making the rounds lately too. I'm not up to speed on all of it so I'll just inlude this playlist by jeranism who is known in the community now. Some of the videos may not have much to do with circumnavigating Antarctica directly. I haven't watched them all. I post the playlist here as raw data to be watched and chosen from for my future work on the actual circumnavigation that I like to focus on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Very interesting Antarctica commentary by Jareth Night

Felix forwarded this to me. It's actually one of the most interesting Antarctica videos I've seen.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Astonishingly, Antarctica is an inverse "cut-out" of the ARCTIC OCEAN!?

Now, I've seen everything. I would not post this if I didn't think it was credible enough to warrant attention of readers here. Check this out.