Sunday, October 6, 2019

Owners of Picton Castle sailing ship might be open to 55S Lat. circumnav.

I ran across this sailing ship company recently... After considering their previous work, I might think about pitching them on a trip around 55 S. Here's a previous trip they made... which is fairly close to 55S...

If they survived the voyage above, then surely they know how to do another voyage a bit more south that that route-- although they may already be aware it's too long and hazardous. I'll find out by emailing them over coming weeks. The downside is that it's an old fashioned sailing ship-- I'd rather find a company that hires newbies, like Picton Castle does, but on a modern jet turbine powered huge yacht....

 I only post this here tonight because I'm looking to update this blog with something relevent and this idea seems mildly feasible. Overall, I'm too overwhelmed with work and day to day survival in Phoenix Arizona to spend any time here and my computer is now too slow to be enjoyable to use, given that most websites demand higher processing power.

Still, the Picton Castle might be a viable candidate for proving a circumference greater or less than the equatorial circumference of 25,000 miles-- thus lending credibility to either a flat or globe earth. Certainly if the Picton Castle sailed MORE than 25,000 at 55 S Lat., say 35,000 miles-- then that contradicts a globe right there since the global circumference, according to globe theory, would be LESS than 25,000-- say 20 or 15,000 miles. It'll be interesting to hear what Picton Castle owners write back to me once I construct my pitch to them on this matter.