Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our first virtual stop is Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

Wow! Who would have thought there would be a big city like this so far south toward the tip of South America? Comodoro Rivadavia is every bit a modern big city. I expected to see nothing but  little villages "down here" and some primitive jungle natives. 
I'm setting off on a virtual round trip to circumnavigate Antarctica.  I've been wondering if the earth is flat or a globe and I agree with others I've seen (I'll find the quote later) that Antarctica is the key to proving -- or disproving the flat earth. I've been publishing in Ab Irato's Fakeologist for the past month but I'll require an alphabetical index and photo uploading as well other tools for this journey so I started this blog.

Here's a 10 minute amateur tour of Comodoro-Rivadavia to get a feel for my virtual first stop on my circumnavigation of Antarctica. It reminds me Tucson or Phoenix-- actually-- where I currently live (Phoenix that is). The people here are SO CLOSE!!! to being able to prove or disprove the flat earth theory since Antarctica is immediately to their south-- closer than any other city in the world I think... closer than Australia or South Africa. There is an Antarctic archipelago just to the south of Comodoro-Rivadavia making it possible to ISLAND HOP-- pretty much.

I've chosen this as my first stop on my circumnavigation of Antarctica because it was shown on a highly detailed pdf map of the Antarctic I sourced from a Wikipedia entry with the only AIRPORT-key symbol in southern South America.... and it looked fairly civilized and easy to live in. It's perfect fora a start. I'll post a link to that detailed map soon.

 Interesting video no? I've taken some screen shots and have some relevent comments-- relevent from the point of view of my approach to going around Antarctica to prove the flat or global earth, one way or another. The first person point of view with a personal intuitive as well as fact based approach will be needed because if we are being fooled into thinking Earth is a globe, there are going to times ahead when grounding ourselves on first person accounts will be essential. I learned this when I found out that some people blogging about the trip from Perth to Sydney was 2700 miles when official online maps report it as 2000 miles. That's a 20% difference.... at a much higher latitidude. The potential for official sources to lie about Antarctica is huge-- given their lies about the moon landing and 9/11 for example. So my overall approach here is to contextualize this in my personal and others' personal experiences-- and first person logs, accounts, videos. We'll be looking for anomolies as we do on Fakeologist with Ab or Jungle Surfer... or with Simon on Clues... and a variety of others' sites like Math Boylen (who wants to CROSS Antarctica) and that guy who cut me off his IFERS forum for no stated reason-- what's his name? 


La Senioritas!!! If there's girls there,
I'll go. No problem

And FAST FOOD--- in English no less. If there's
Fast Food at my starting point, I'll go. 

I don't drink Coke. It'll disintegrate steel nails. But it's interesting
that Coca Cola is NEAR Antarctica. I thought the ecologists would
prevent Coke from going near the "pristine" Antarctica.

Here's my thing--- an IRISH PUB no less in COMODORO RIVADAVIA.
This would be my FIRST STOP. No... seriously. This WOULD be my first stop.
Where did those Senioritas go? Get them back here! 

I guess I'll need a BANK to find an ATM to access my CREDIT and my
DEBIT accounts. I wonder if if there's a BANK OF ANTARCTICA? There better
be. I don't want to run out cash there. Recall American Express ads-- "don't leave
home without it". Don't go to Antarctica without your CREDIT CARD! Line it all up
here at Banco Patagonia. I've never travelled internationally so
I'd have to research this carefully. 

Hey! VOLKSWAGON! And earlier today, I discovered Volkswagon
claims to have put the first car into Antarctica. They ran one of
those ground breaking ads on it years ago. Scroll down below to find Volkswagon
in my INDEX to see more on what I discovered about that. Interestingly, Hitler was
behind Volkswagon. This is very much related to the German Flying Saucers of
Antarctica that I'll be looking for as I continue my virtual tour. 

Beautiful clouds. I don't know if I can glean anything from that.
It occurred to me that I can't see Antarctica yet. Neither are there
chemtrails. Gee, I wonder if they're chemtrailing Antarctica.
We'll soon find out... on my virtual circumnavigation
of ANTARCTICA--- either 60,000 miles or 14,000 miles.
Which will it be? As someone said-- Antarctica is the KEY
to the flat earth. Because if Earth is flat, Antarctica is a perimeter
ice wall and not an ice island. 

I enjoyed the videographers commentary on coming to the ocean
front. We'll be travelling over this body of water, southward soon...
either by air or sea... on our way to ANTARCTICA.

I thought this looked pretty normal for an ocean front.
I didn't quite catch what the videographer said
about it getting cold sometimes-- other than that
that was the first hint that we're nearing the famous
"continent"... or "End of Earth" ice wall. I enjoyed
his account of how the seasons are reversed which
is consistent with BOTH flat and global earth. 
I noted that DirecTV is here in Comodoro Rivadavia. Really? How?
Where are the supposed satellites to make this possible this far "down under?"
Given the proof that satellites don't exist by Simon at Clues, Ab at Fakeologist and, and a variety of other videos, I can imagine that DirecTV dishes
are pointed at fairly routine angles to catch radar antenna relay broadcasts
here--- not satellite broadcasts. We'll see if DirecTV is in Antarctica.
When I worked in the far north of Canada in Tuktoyuktuk at the mouth of the Mackenzie,
they had "satellite TV" there and I watched a special on Hawaiin surfers after
lunch in a theater there. That oil company station had excellent food. I'd go
back anyday. 

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Hi, I'm Captain Rick of the Virtual Circumference Voyage of Antarctica. I intend to prove definitively if Earth is flat or a sphere by paying careful attention to how many miles we cover as we travel "around" Antarctica. Flat earth theory says it's 50-60,000 miles. Spherical Earth theory says it 14,000 miles. Join me and ask any questions that you think would help our mission.