Monday, November 7, 2016

John Kerry going to Antarctica on Election Day... His flat earth model is wrong.

Kerry thinks flat earthers believe melting of ice will lead to water pouring over the edge of a flat earth. He has the model wrong because there's an ice wall that assures that, if ice melted, that water would rise in the flat earth bowl. He's ostensibly going to Antarctica to check the damage from global warming.


  1. You wouldn't need to go below the 60th to prove at the minimum that they are lying to us. All you'd need to do is get accurate distances per real readings and observation. The online sea distance calculators are way too low and if someone used them in a real voyage from say Chile to Auckland they'd probably get stranded through lack of fuel. Based on a couple of pilots giving flight times from Buenos Aires to Sydney it's 17 hours in flight no stops going west the whole time, an average flight speed of 550mph is assumed so thats 9350 miles, about 2000 miles more than google or any other online source says it is. It's at least 60,000 miles around if not 80,000 at sight of Antarctica. Then you go round the same latitude in the Northern half and it should be much less, this is as it should be in the flat earth model but NOT as it should be in the globe model.

    1. You're right. I created this Antarctica shoreline route as an extreme example of your strategy of looking at flights at higher latitudes. Its starting to look as thought your strategy might be better after all. I could not assemble the data and flying experiences on blogs of passengers and pilots, however, even at the Buenos Aires / Sydney latitude. And I could not manage to maintain an exact latitude for the test. I could not confirm flight speeds. So I went to land-based examples comparing Perth to Sydney on roadways vs. San Diego to Atlanta (I think it was)... in the northern hemisphere-- stated mileages the same but latitudes different. I don't recall a solid conclusion there either.

      Thanks for the reminder however. I'm still investigating when I have the time and money. You would think wealthy or retired people would be able to do this easier than me but no. Currently, I'm trying to shave some money off a deal to have my shocks, struts, and mounts replaced on my 19 year old car.

  2. Hi,
    We can't say that it's a "bowl", it more like a crater lake. If oceans are contained into a limited zone, it's a lake. Earth is a massive lake actually. We call scientifically it a crater, not a bowl. Claiming that it's a bowl is a caricature.
    And if widespread melting of ice all around was effected, it would be contained in the lake and therefore would logically raise the total level of the oceans or to widen its area, since there are still further ground the Antarctic, so we would have more land, we might even add more latitude for navigation perhaps, is what can be worse! Or less land inside the lake.

    1. Point well taken on bowl vs. crater. More latitude lines would be a good idea at this point. Have you contacted Matt Boylen on this?

  3. I preface the 1000 yo oriental map show islands past Antarctica - could be a hoax but we know it existed in 1907 - well before the space race and shaky NASA evidence - and we have Admiral E Birds statements about the rich continent beyond the pole. All I am saying is that Bird found that Antarctica is an island Continent but there was at least one more beyond that with warm waters etc. So don't get too hung up on being able to circumnavigate Antarctica - If you want to prove the globe you need to do what no space agency has done - take a movie from space showing actual weather events in real time and far away enough to show the whole of the earth - say half way to the moon! If you think the Apollo programme was real - watch the old Bonanza TV shows from the early 60's and then watch the moon landings and see how far cinematography has come! Cheers..

    1. I'm just now getting into that 1907 map with islands beyond Antarctica. Circumnavigating Antarctica is still the easiest way to prove 60,000 vs. 15,000 miles and thus a plane, not a globe. There is no space. There are no satellites.

  4. Here is my attempt:

  5. Nothing is as it seems, Perhaps most of us having been living a dream.


Hi, I'm Captain Rick of the Virtual Circumference Voyage of Antarctica. I intend to prove definitively if Earth is flat or a sphere by paying careful attention to how many miles we cover as we travel "around" Antarctica. Flat earth theory says it's 50-60,000 miles. Spherical Earth theory says it 14,000 miles. Join me and ask any questions that you think would help our mission.