Saturday, February 11, 2017

Southern hemisphere distances on internet calculators vary with real bloggers

Road Trip actually tested...

Perth to Sydney... is quoted online with mileage calculators as 2059 miles....but it's actually 2700 miles. Here's a blog-commentator's report on reality....

It is really difficult to drive -there is nothing but a desert - you will have to carry all your fuel, food and water - there aren't any towns or gas stations or motels. If you break down it might be days to weeks before seeing someone - no cell phone towers. You will need at least a 4WD because a lot of the roads aren't sealed; you can't drive at night - not only because it is pitch black but also it is when you are most likely to hit a kangeroo. It is over 2700 miles between the two. I highly don't recommend driving.

Rick says...
So this believable reporter says it's actually 2700 miles... thus the online calculator lies.
It's 30% more than what the official sources from maps, globes and online travel media say.

The road between the two towns isn't crooked enough to make up the 600 mile difference. I'll redouble my efforts to look at this in the surest future I can. 

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Hi, I'm Captain Rick of the Virtual Circumference Voyage of Antarctica. I intend to prove definitively if Earth is flat or a sphere by paying careful attention to how many miles we cover as we travel "around" Antarctica. Flat earth theory says it's 50-60,000 miles. Spherical Earth theory says it 14,000 miles. Join me and ask any questions that you think would help our mission.