Wednesday, December 27, 2017

"Swoop" invited me to Antarctic cruise--> I made counter-proposal.

I'd like to suggest a cruise that we can sell---> Travel completely around the world just north of 60S Latitude to prove that the distance is consistent with either a globe or flat model of Earth. We would book a few hundred "flat earthers" as well as "spherists"... Lots of scientific minded people to moniter stars by charting as well as GPS experts. This could be an ongoing cruise done annually, say. Thank you for the consideration of this in advance if you can. --rick potvin
On Wed, 12/27/17, Swoop wrote:

 Subject: Take a cruise to the Antarctic peninsula and...
 Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2017, 9:29 AM


  1. Haha... Swoop... Like just do it... Nike...

    I don't got enough spare cash at the moment to go on a cruise around Amtarctica, I feel like, but I would love to do it!

    I'm guessing 48000 miles around 60 degree south, but I don't know...

    Perhaps a less expensive trip I could take is to go to Ushuaia Argentina for a couple weeks , or until a clear night came there and I could star gaze all night...

  2. Oh... Here seems like a pretty cool time lapse video of southern cross constellation rotating clockwise... unlike Polaris the north star, which seems like a center point that isn't observed as rotating over a time lapse...

  3. Appearing to rotate clockwise when viewed from the equator that is..

  4. Thanks for your tip here-- I'm going to have to consider stars for sure.

  5. Keep up the great work. I say dont go. I personally dont trust em. #titanic Why cant they fly and just air-refuel as needed again?

  6. Hi Rick, not sure how I found this blog, but I'm all about it! I've been studying the Antarctica [phenomenon] for a few months now, and it hasn't taken me even a fraction of that time to understand that Ant is not a continent at all, but an ice boundary. And immediately I said "I HAVE TO GO & SEE FOR MYSELF!" LOL! And here you are, speaking of planning a trip to do just the same thing!

    And I came to the same conclusion, 55-59 degrees by chartered ship - no 'hiring' anyone else to fly it or record it or do it for me - I wanted 100% of my own documentation, every second of the way. And not just for me, but for EVERYONE!

    So, are you still toying with this idea? Have you gotten any funding ideas? Equipment/transport/crew/etc quotes? Specialists interested? I am a MARKETING THUG, YO! We CAN get this FUNDED 100%!

    And I have debated the idea with a few of my cohorts here [I am in Mississippi/USA] and we discussed 'secrecy' vs 'public' and PUBLIC is THE way to go I think. If a group of people doing a project of this magnitude were to set out in shade, they could easily 'disappear' for sure. In fact, I would almost guarantee it [it would be virtually impossible to disguise the intention]. LOL!
    However, with a public-funded [based on the actual purpose] and a continuous live feed of the expedition, it provides a certain degree of 'insurance'.

    I notice that you have not posted since Dec 2017? Do you have another blog or site where you are still pursuing this project? Please let me know if there is further info on your plan. There would be no sense in two parties planning such an excursion - if you have abandoned this idea but would still be interested, please feel free to contact me and let's see what we could put together, thanks!

    1. Hello... er-- Ahoy! Some numbered points...

      1. I still keep this blog up but my latest post is still being prepared. It's quite astonishing and unbelievable, frankly. That's why I'm mulling it over before daring to post. I get quite a few hits here now and I don't want to be premature in developing the idea.... which concerns...

      2. ... which concerns the type of engine we'll need to power the craft-- whether its airborne or on the water. As it turns out, one of the latest crazy ideas on youtube involves the problem of how jet engines are fueled. What does this have to do with a circumnav at 60s? well-- If I'm involved, I certainly don't want it to take 2 years like Cook took. I would want to go faster. A little factoid that seems to have been hidden from our view is that the cargo ships that carry shipping containers from China to the US are powered by what can be thought of as jet engines. They call them gas turbines when they're installed on a ship.

      As of 2004, the U.S. Navy and at least 29 other navies had used a total of more than one thousand LM2500/LM2500+ gas turbines to power warships.[5] Other uses include hydrofoils, hovercraft and fast ferries.

      3. Unbelievably, these types of engines do not use liquid fuel as we're being told. This explains how China can ship us everything. First use slave labour. Then ship it for free--- zero fuel costs. See? I told you it's unbelievable. And this is why I'm hesitating to post my next piece about the project-- although now that you've written me and I've responded ON MY BLOG, that cat is out of this bag. I expect blowback if I'm not careful.

      4. Specifically, the LM500 might be an interesting engine to power the craft we use.

      5. I've thought about fund raising but not until I have a more specific plan. My last finance idea was to wait until I'm done working, sell the house-- and use that funding in a one-way financial suicide mission to set an example and cut a modern path toward a repeatable experiment before I get too old and frail. It would be a last ditch attempt to change the course of history.

      6. This is my primary blog for this effort. Another area called a forum hosted by Network54 is undergoing shutdown and ownership change but it's archived. I may pull some old interesting posts from there and post here.

      7. Some concerns for the trip are repeatability, comfort, fun and star-based navigation. With today's luxury cruise ships getting so big (powered by jet engines?)... it should be possible to have ROUTINE tours around the rim... just as we once imagined "routine" flights to the moon.

      Alright, I could go on but I still work a couple of jobs...

    2. Looking for a tentative answer... from RME


Hi, I'm Captain Rick of the Virtual Circumference Voyage of Antarctica. I intend to prove definitively if Earth is flat or a sphere by paying careful attention to how many miles we cover as we travel "around" Antarctica. Flat earth theory says it's 50-60,000 miles. Spherical Earth theory says it 14,000 miles. Join me and ask any questions that you think would help our mission.