Tuesday, November 19, 2019

KATHARSIS II another circumnavigation hoax? ...or was this real proof of 15,000 mile Antarctic circumference?

Here it is November of 2019 as I post this and yet an apparent circumnavigation along the lines I've been thinking ought to be done-- was completed around April 2018, a year and a half ago-- by a crew of eight on a sailboat called KATHARASIS II. Here is their route-- a little further south of 60S.

I'm going to open up an investigation into this claim, of course-- I must-- if only to continue this blog's point and purpose. The first problem I have here is that the claim KATHARSIS II is making-- that they completed the circumnavigation in about 3 months and that they travelled about 15,000 miles-- would definitively prove that Earth is indeed a spinning ball and not a pizza shaped flat disc-- at least by my own rules here in this blog. I'll leave aside considerations of a toroidal field in 4-D hyperspace for now. Here's a screenshot of their claim...

2.1-- Would any such claim satisfy me one way or another?
How would I judge the validity of the claim? My answer at the moment is that the test run would have to be repeatable-- as all experiments in science. And the test runs would have to reveal more technical data than is revealed in the online sources for the claims by KATHARSIS II. 

They claim that "no sailor in history has managed to circumnavigate Antarctica so close to the continent so fast". I would think that they might have mentioned the VENDEE RACES and another Australia based race organization as close seconds but they do not. See Vendee in my index below-- a race series that I've determined to be a possible hoax.

4.0-- OTHER INVESTIGATORS I'LL SUMMARIZE HERE on this point about the circumference.
Matt Boyland, Chippy.

5.1 Babelfish?




8.1 The yacht looks too small and frail for this type of voyage-- to me.
8.2 The sailing yacht was subject to no-wind conditions and could not reliably do the trip.
8.3 The diary of the voyage indicates they were overturned and lost all the crew in the water at one point-- unbelievable.

9.1 Why start in SA but end in Hobart? Why not start and stop in Kapztad SA?
9.2 Why go south of 60S?
9.3 How were they legally able to south of 60S?

10.0 Where did they get the idea to do this journey? (or fake it?) From my blog here? It almost seems to be so.
10.1 "Around the Ice" seems to be a direct attack on the idea that Earth is flat and that the ice is a wall surrounding Earth.
The expressions on the faces of the voyagers seem to be looking at me, personally, in a weird sort of way-- telling me that my blog here is pointless-- that they've proven the Earth is a flying ball in space because they sailed "around the ice." Special looks from these three sailors concern me... These three seem to be saying-- "What can you do now, Rick?... Nothing. B

11.0 The LOGO seems to be AMBIVALENT and an "in-your-face" affront to flat-earth thinkers.
Notice the perimeter of the logo-- almost a copy of the UN logo with the leaves representing the "ice wall". Here too, despite our seeing an "island" of Antarctica, it's surrounded by a possible symbolic "ice wall". A more generous interpretation would be "ocean waves". Is the ambivalence premeditated and intentional?

12.0 NAVIGATION screen shots indicate GPS positioning but what about NAVIGATION by STARS?
12.1 How would a trip around Antarctica be monitered by the crew, or by a third party? How were the trips monitered by the Vendee Races? How are ships tracked in the Antarctic region that go to the stations? 
12.2 Is anyone using star charts anymore? Sextants? 
12.3 How is distance measured in the water?
12.4 How can this trip by Katharsis II be INDEPENDENTLY verified? Is an award by a sailing organization enough? Should we verify the existence and legitimacy of the sailing organization? 
12.5 Is this a repeatable trip-- on a more comfortable yacht? Would anyone be interested in doing it again... and again? Katharsis II says its the first to do it below 60S-- yet Antarctic research stations have been there for decades. My blog, here, proposed a round-Antarctica trip by stopping at each station. Is that possible? 

13.0 My post to the KATHARSIS II website will attempt to solicit more data.

14.0 CONFLICTING centroid map routes raise PROBLEMS--
Discussion: I did not gather the source links-- just screen grabs. Will update with links to source.

Discussion: The photo below looks like a green screened pose. There are no water droplets on the subject. The subject is not wearing gloves. Water drops and spray not apparent on any part of the boat. Gray sky would project a dimmer light on subject.

16.0 YACHTING WORLD covers KATHARSIS II Voyage in a shallow way. [Yachting World]
Discussion: One would think that a magazine that specializes in sailing would cover the Katharsis II trip in a somewhat technical manner, akin to Scientific American. Nope. Their coverage was shallow.

17.0 Easier route at 60S rather than Antarctica circumnavigation.

17.1 Circumnavigation below 60S should be less than 12,000 mi on a globe.
The 60th parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 60 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. No land lies on the parallel — it crosses nothing but ocean.

The circumference of a globe at 0 should be about 40,000 km, they say. What is that in miles?
40000 km in miles - Google Search
24854.848 miles
Circle Sphere Earth Math Calculator

At 0 latitude, we have 24,901 miles.
At 60 lat., we have 12,482 miles.

Discussion: I covered the Vendee Races in some detail a few years ago. See Index below. I'll summarize them here for the purpose of this current post about Katharsis II here, soon.
Presentation - Vendée Globe 2016-2017

The Vendée Globe is still the only non-stop solo round the world race without ... to make a compromise between the shortest route, which is the furthest south, ...

17.3 Isn't travel south of 60S illegal according to Antarctica Treaty?
18.0 Are WINDSPEEDS are too high for sailboats below 60S?
Discussion: 60 degrees south is also a natural dividing line where the ocean and air currents circle the planet without any land to disrupt the flow.

19.0 FLAT EARTH SOCIETY POSTS from 2013 examined many of the issues covered here. I only recently either discovered or re-discovered that series of posts.

20.0 KATHARSIS II voyaged to ROSS SEA in 2015.
Discussion: See short video referred by anonymous commenter. The front of the sailboat seems to be hitting ice floes. How is this possible in a sailboat? I looked up the type of boat. It's manufactured by OYSTER YACHTS in England. They're out of business now so I'm unable to ask them if they recommend against sailing through ice. I could talk to other OYSTER YACHT owners and get their opinion. It doesn't seem likely, to me, that a crew would sail around or even to Antarctica in a yacht of this relatively small size compared to bigger ships that made the trip through history.

21.0 KATHARSIS II must have an ENGINE and FUEL-- to escape this DEAD AIR POSITION.
Discussion : It seems to me that if a "sailboat" that runs on "sails" and "wind" is sitting in what appears to be a bay surrounded by ICE -- that it MUST have engines to get going again. This is easy enough to double check since the sailboat was manufactured by OYSTER YACHTS of Southampton, England.

22.0 A "DAY BY DAY" CAPTAIN's LOG of such a voyage would not consist simply of candid shots of hugs, waves and t-shirts, and fabulous views.
Discussion: Were there no crises that warrented photos?  Where are the date stamps?  In the collection of photos below at the official website, https://antarcticcircle60s.pl/en/media-2/, we see no date and time stamps. An actual cruise like this should have date and time stamps on photos, no?

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Owners of Picton Castle sailing ship might be open to 55S Lat. circumnav.

I ran across this sailing ship company recently... http://www.picton-castle.com/. After considering their previous work, I might think about pitching them on a trip around 55 S. Here's a previous trip they made... which is fairly close to 55S...

If they survived the voyage above, then surely they know how to do another voyage a bit more south that that route-- although they may already be aware it's too long and hazardous. I'll find out by emailing them over coming weeks. The downside is that it's an old fashioned sailing ship-- I'd rather find a company that hires newbies, like Picton Castle does, but on a modern jet turbine powered huge yacht....

 I only post this here tonight because I'm looking to update this blog with something relevent and this idea seems mildly feasible. Overall, I'm too overwhelmed with work and day to day survival in Phoenix Arizona to spend any time here and my computer is now too slow to be enjoyable to use, given that most websites demand higher processing power.

Still, the Picton Castle might be a viable candidate for proving a circumference greater or less than the equatorial circumference of 25,000 miles-- thus lending credibility to either a flat or globe earth. Certainly if the Picton Castle sailed MORE than 25,000 at 55 S Lat., say 35,000 miles-- then that contradicts a globe right there since the global circumference, according to globe theory, would be LESS than 25,000-- say 20 or 15,000 miles. It'll be interesting to hear what Picton Castle owners write back to me once I construct my pitch to them on this matter.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quito, Ecuador is on the equator and might be a new reference point for me.

Entry August 31, 2019
.........It's been awhile since I've considered the trip around Antarctica or even 60 deg south latitude or even Chippy's 55 deg south latitude-- to prove a distance greater or less than the equatorial distance of 25,000 miles. A greater distance than the equatorial circumference would be consistent with a flat earth and a lesser distance would be consistant with a globe.
..........I've been concerned more with the powering of the vehicle to be used either on water or in air and discovered that there's a lot of controversy surrounding the jet turbine engine used on both big ships and in planes-- and whether or not they use fuel. It turns out to be a real problem in terms of designing my distance test for flat vs. globe earth.
..........I bumped into a guy from Quito, Ecuador which led to my re-thinking how to more easily determine distance above and below the equator. I would not have to travel around the flat earth or globe-- a huge project-- but simply determine distance between two lines of longitude north of Quito and distance between the same two lines south of Quito. If Earth is a globe, the distance should be the same. If Earth is flat, the distance should be greater south of Quito. It occurred to me that I might contact the University of Quito and propose a study from there.
..........Thinking on this further, it now seems to me that the same should hold true for any latitude, not just the Quito latitude of zero. Theoretically, if my house has a backyard north of the house and a front yard south of the house, I should be able to detect a slightly longer distance between two lines of longitude in my front yard than my back yard. This would save me a trip to Quito. The problem becomes one of accurate measurement and determination of where lines of longitude are.
...........Why don't we see lines of longitude marked out on properties or even as tourist attractions? I watched a few Youtubes on how to determine lines of latitude using the north star, in the Northern Hemisphere but have not been able to go further than that yet.
............The advertised Flat Earth Cruise that hit the news awhile ago is not going around the circle of the flat earth but is a mere gathering on a cruise ship. It might be used to spark an interest in the journey around 55 deg south however. Chippy's idea on that was to avoid the problems 60 deg south might present, legally. I think I had thought of that first but didn't emphasize it as much as Chippy... although the Vendee race I looked at made this apparent.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Trumps July 4th address refers to "the moon" & "Mars" haha.

Haven't updated this in awhile-- still working on regular life. Caught Trump's 2019 address referring to the moon and Mars... what a crock. Ha ha. Like everyone else, I thought he was a maverick but nope. He's just another NWO idiot... all talk no action. I'm done with him. Cancelled my $5/mo support a month ago.

I'm watching the FUELLESS jets fly over my house every day. Whenever I hear one, I run outside and watch and marvel. Youtube is full of proof that these planes are not hoisting tons of liquid fuel in their wings. This will be the basis of any run-round the 60 or Antarctic shore... since fuel depots is such a big thing in antarctica.... though Putin just wrecked a US sub (fake?) in the Arctic yesterday.

Shutdown of the net is a problem along with obsolete browsers, my increasing age and other crap. More in next few days as I do a roundup update here.

I just discovered that my last several posts have had hundreds of visits. Wow. Nobody has contacted me at my home phone landline other than window and vitamin salesmen... and I get tons of junk email. If I have hundreds of hits, among those I would think would be serious visitors who email and phone me. Email me at rick_potvin@yahoo.com and phone me at 623 399 8086 cellphone message.